PGCon2010 - Final Release III
PGCon 2010
The PostgreSQL Conference
Oleksandr Dymo
Oleksandr is a Director of Engineering in Pluron Inc., the startup from Silicon Valley working on Acunote – the enterprise project management and Scrum software built with Rails. As a software engineer, team leader and project manager, Oleksandr has four years of experience of real world Rails application development, deployment and performance optimization.
Oleksandr currently lives and works in Ukraine. He holds a PhD in Project Management and is a part-time associate professor at National University of Shipbuilding.
Oleksandr is actively involved in the Free Software movement. He has been a KDE developer since 2002, has contributed code to KOffice, KDE libs and KDevelop including major parts of Ruby and Rails support.
Oleksandr contributed performance-related patches and optimizations to both Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Oleksandr regularly presents at conferences in Europe and Americas promoting free software, KDE and KDevelop.