PGCon2018 - 2.5

PGCon 2018
The PostgreSQL Conference

Event Speakers

Continuous Integration for Commitfests

Testing everything, all the time

Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

Hacking on PostgreSQL

Add your feature to Postgres!

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

How Linux handles I/O errors


Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

Introducing PMDK into PostgreSQL

Challenges and implementations towards PMEM-generation elephant

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

Reviewing PostgreSQL Patches for Fun and Profit

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

Standard SQL Gap Analysis

Standard SQL features where PostgreSQL lags behind its competitors

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

The Buildfarm client as a development tool

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

Towards scalable ACID PostgreSQL with partitioning, postgres_fdw and logical replication

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

VACUUM more efficient than ever

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English

What's in a Plan?

And how did it get there, anyway?

Event type : Lecture
Track : Hacking
Language used for presentation : English